
Urgent Appeal: Standing with Wardak Province, Afghanistan in the Face of Catastrophic Flooding

In the heart of Afghanistan’s Eastern central region lies Wardak Province, who today is facing an unprecedented disaster brought on by an unrelenting onslaught of torrential rains. The region is battling an emergency situation that encompasses flash flooding, erosion, landslides, property damage, destruction of roadways, and tragic loss of life. Shelter For Life is on the ground, determined to extend a lifeline to the affected communities. However, they cannot do it alone. We must rally together to support Wardak Province in its hour of need.

The Devastating Impact of Torrential Rains

As the skies opened up, unleashing torrential rains upon Wardak Province, an unimaginable catastrophe unfolded. Flash floods surged through the streets, wreaking havoc on homes and infrastructure. Erosion stripped away once-stable land, leaving behind scars that will take time to heal. Tragically, landslides claimed precious lives, leaving grieving families to mourn their loved ones. Roads that once connected communities were swallowed by the relentless waters, isolating entire villages.

In the face of this heart-wrenching tragedy, the people of Wardak desperately need our support. Their resilience is being tested to its limits, and it is our duty to stand beside them and offer a helping hand.

Providing Hope Amidst Despair

Shelter For Life, an organization with a history of responding to humanitarian crises, has stepped up to provide vital aid in Wardak Province. They understand the urgency of the situation and are working tirelessly to assess damage and needs to alleviate the suffering of those affected.

Your Generosity Matters

In this moment of crisis, every donation can make an immense difference. By contributing to Shelter For Life’s relief efforts, you become a beacon of hope for the people of Wardak Province. Your support can provide the essentials needed for survival and help rebuild shattered lives.

Making a donation is simple; visit www.shelter.org/donate and specify “Afghanistan” in the note line. Your contribution will go directly to aiding those affected by the devastating floods in Wardak.

Solidarity in Action: Spread the Word

Beyond making a donation, you can amplify the impact by spreading awareness about the situation in Wardak Province. Share this blog post with your friends, family, and colleagues on social media. Together, we can galvanize a collective response and extend our hand of support to those in desperate need.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

In the face of this catastrophic flooding in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, we must stand united. The people of Afghanistan need our compassion, generosity, and solidarity to emerge from this disaster stronger and more resilient.

Let us respond with empathy, lend a helping hand, and become the agents of change that this region desperately needs. By supporting Shelter For Life and donating to their relief efforts, we can make a profound impact and bring hope to the communities struggling to rebuild their lives.

Wardak Province is not alone; we stand with them in their journey towards recovery and restoration.

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Mustafa Omar, CEO

Mustafa Omar
Chief Executive Officer

Mustafa Omar has worked for Shelter For Life International in the field and Headquarters management positions; managing projects, leading new business development, and guiding operations around the world. Mr. Omar was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan and has worked in post-conflict reconstruction, Disaster Risk Reduction caused by human or natural phenomena, and market-revitalization efforts in Central Asia, East and West Africa, Europe, and Middle East for the past twenty (20) plus years. Mustafa holds graduate degrees in business administration and urban planning and is working on a PhD at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University. Topics of research and professional interest include Market Resilience and Social Risk-Management, Influence of Environmental Degradation on Fragile Markets, Impact of Improving Physical Space on Lasting Peace, and the Interaction between Modern Governance and Informal Market Structures.

Gordon Wright
Vice Chairman

Gordon A. Wright is Founder and President of over 40 years with JIMI International and is an Elder at Tulsa Christian Fellowship. Mr. Wright owned and operated a lawn and tree service business for nearly 15 years. Mr. Wright also served with the US Army for three years in the 1960s.Two of Mr. Wright’s years were spent in South Korea as a Brigade Intelligence Sergeant. Mr. Wright has provided mentoring and counseling to spiritual leaders around the world; with specific attention to individuals in Russia, Ukraine and former Soviet Bloc countries. Mr. Wright helped to found and direct East/West Resources International and Global Assistance Partners International. Mr. Wright has served as one of the original founding board of directors for Shelter For Life International. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, Gordon grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma.