Returnee Reintegration Program
The Problem: Cut off from the main part of Senegal, the Casamance region has faced low-intensity conflict for over 30 years. In turn, many families from the region were forced to flee home. Until recently, refugee and IDP families considered returning home to be a long shot. Following recent development work and renewed optimism, many families have begun returning home, but without the resources to rebuild their homes.
The Solution: In partnership with PRM, our program will assist returnee families to return home by overseeing the construction of transitional shelters and the supply of clean water. Utilizing a participatory approach, families will work together to construct their homes utilizing local materials.
The Impact: So far, the project has assisted 250 families to build a basic home with a tin roof, and is set to assist an additional 257. The location of these new shelters will improve families’ access to healthcare and education and provide better opportunities for work.
Funder: U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM)
Duration: 2018-2020