Our History

Our History


Humble Beginnings

Our work was initially sparked when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and millions of Afghans began to pour into Pakistan as refugees. Already at work in Asia, Thor and Debi Armstrong recognized that God was calling them to respond to the tremendous human needs of the Afghan people. They moved to Pakistan with a dedicated team of people in 1982. Their first pilot project began with funding from the UNHCR to build geodesic domes for Afghan refugees.



SNI was registered as a 501(c) 3 organization with its international headquarters based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Soon after, the Gulf War sent millions of Kurds fleeing from their homes, granting SNI the opportunity to respond to the needs of the Iraqi people and launching the organization as an international NGO.



Shelter Now International (SNI) was officially registered with the Government of Pakistan and Perth, Australia as a non-profit organization. This time saw a great blessing on the ministry, with many new people joining in on the work. As the team ministered to the needs of the Afghan people, SNI developed into a reputable relief and development organization. Over the years, SNI was able to build 1,800 multi-purpose geodesic domes for thousands of refugees, widows, and the disabled. Later, SNI established factories in Pakistan and Afghanistan to produce concrete roof beams and other housing components to be used by families to help rebuild their homes and communities. By 1990, the work prospered and eventually reached a million dollars in annual project expenditures. international NGO.



SNI changed its name to Shelter For Life International in part to reflect its commitment to community development and holistic programs. The purpose of the work, however, remains the same: to go wherever God calls us “…to provide the poor wanderer with shelter” (Isaiah 58:7 NIV), loving our neighbors as ourselves. SFL also boosted its presence in Afghanistan with funding from WFP.



SFL moved its headquarters to Minneapolis, MN to reflect and facilitate the international focus of the organization. Soon afterward, we began work in what is now South Sudan.



In 2012 we re-established an office in Tajikistan and received funding to begin work in Senegal and Liberia.



Over the years, SFL has served in many countries, including Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, Macedonia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, and Western Sahara, primarily in the areas of shelter, construction, and community development. Today, our team continues to work on numerous projects across the world funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), World Food Program (WFP) and the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM).

"When the road was completed, we came back and realized that the road had also brought peace with it." ~Bourama

Mustafa Omar, CEO

Mustafa Omar
Chief Executive Officer

Mustafa Omar has worked for Shelter For Life International in the field and Headquarters management positions; managing projects, leading new business development, and guiding operations around the world. Mr. Omar was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan and has worked in post-conflict reconstruction, Disaster Risk Reduction caused by human or natural phenomena, and market-revitalization efforts in Central Asia, East and West Africa, Europe, and Middle East for the past twenty (20) plus years. Mustafa holds graduate degrees in business administration and urban planning and is working on a PhD at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University. Topics of research and professional interest include Market Resilience and Social Risk-Management, Influence of Environmental Degradation on Fragile Markets, Impact of Improving Physical Space on Lasting Peace, and the Interaction between Modern Governance and Informal Market Structures.

Gordon Wright
Vice Chairman

Gordon A. Wright is Founder and President of over 40 years with JIMI International and is an Elder at Tulsa Christian Fellowship. Mr. Wright owned and operated a lawn and tree service business for nearly 15 years. Mr. Wright also served with the US Army for three years in the 1960s.Two of Mr. Wright’s years were spent in South Korea as a Brigade Intelligence Sergeant. Mr. Wright has provided mentoring and counseling to spiritual leaders around the world; with specific attention to individuals in Russia, Ukraine and former Soviet Bloc countries. Mr. Wright helped to found and direct East/West Resources International and Global Assistance Partners International. Mr. Wright has served as one of the original founding board of directors for Shelter For Life International. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, Gordon grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma.