
Empowering Women in Agriculture: Driving Sustainable Development Across West Africa 

In the heart of West Africa, a quiet revolution is taking place. It’s not marked by grand gestures or high-profile events but by the determined efforts of women working in the cashew nut and gardening sectors. Through the tireless work of organizations like SFL, these women are not only transforming their own lives but also their communities, one harvest at a time.

In Gambia, for example, SFL’s efforts have reached communities in Jooli, Diattabah, and Batendeng, where 50 women have directly benefited from funding and training. These women, armed with newfound resources and knowledge, are not only boosting agricultural production but also establishing sustainable value chains and connecting with markets previously out of reach. 

At the core of SFL’s mission lies a commitment to providing access to finance for those who need it most. In Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau, where economic opportunities can be limited, especially for women, SFL has set up a groundbreaking rating system to identify and support female entrepreneurs in agriculture.

But SFL’s impact goes beyond mere financial support. Recognizing the importance of education in financial management, the organization has provided comprehensive training to these women, equipping them with the skills needed to effectively manage their incomes and investments. This holistic approach ensures that the program’s benefits are not short-lived but have a lasting impact on the lives of the beneficiaries and their communities.

One of the most inspiring aspects of SFL’s work is its commitment to creativity and innovation in financing. In the absence of effective formalization, SFL has utilized creative and non-conventional mechanisms to provide mixed financing to farmers, processors, and traders, particularly focusing on empowering women. This innovative approach not only addresses the immediate financial needs of the beneficiaries but also lays the foundation for long-term economic resilience and growth. 

A recent tour of the fields supported by SFL paints a vivid picture of the impact of these initiatives.  Across 6.5 hectares of land, women are cultivating a diverse array of crops, from onions and cabbage to tomatoes, lettuce, and eggplants.  

Alongside these thriving plantations stand mini boreholes and wells, providing essential water resources for agricultural production.  

The sight of these flourishing fields is a testament to the resilience and determination of these women, who are not only feeding their families but also driving economic growth in their communities. 

The outcomes of SFL’s efforts are clear and compelling. Production activities have increased, economies have been boosted, and perhaps most importantly, there is active participation of women in labor markets, leading to job creation and empowerment at the grassroots level. By focusing on increasing household value, promoting organic farming, and supporting the development of gardening, SFL is not only transforming individual lives but also laying the groundwork for a more sustainable and equitable future for all. 

In conclusion, the work being done by organizations like SFL is not just about agriculture; it’s about empowering women, building resilient communities, and driving sustainable development across West Africa. As we celebrate the achievements of these women and the organizations that support them, let us also recognize the importance of investing in initiatives that prioritize gender equality, economic empowerment, and community development. Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future for all. 

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Mustafa Omar, CEO

Mustafa Omar
Chief Executive Officer

Mustafa Omar has worked for Shelter For Life International in the field and Headquarters management positions; managing projects, leading new business development, and guiding operations around the world. Mr. Omar was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan and has worked in post-conflict reconstruction, Disaster Risk Reduction caused by human or natural phenomena, and market-revitalization efforts in Central Asia, East and West Africa, Europe, and Middle East for the past twenty (20) plus years. Mustafa holds graduate degrees in business administration and urban planning and is working on a PhD at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University. Topics of research and professional interest include Market Resilience and Social Risk-Management, Influence of Environmental Degradation on Fragile Markets, Impact of Improving Physical Space on Lasting Peace, and the Interaction between Modern Governance and Informal Market Structures.

Gordon Wright
Vice Chairman

Gordon A. Wright is Founder and President of over 40 years with JIMI International and is an Elder at Tulsa Christian Fellowship. Mr. Wright owned and operated a lawn and tree service business for nearly 15 years. Mr. Wright also served with the US Army for three years in the 1960s.Two of Mr. Wright’s years were spent in South Korea as a Brigade Intelligence Sergeant. Mr. Wright has provided mentoring and counseling to spiritual leaders around the world; with specific attention to individuals in Russia, Ukraine and former Soviet Bloc countries. Mr. Wright helped to found and direct East/West Resources International and Global Assistance Partners International. Mr. Wright has served as one of the original founding board of directors for Shelter For Life International. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, Gordon grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and currently resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma.