Over the last three decades, wars and conflict continually plagued Afghanistan. While much pain and heartache resulted, it also caused a huge lack of resources, which deters investment in education and business. SFL seeks to remedy this as much as possible, and toward this end recently implemented an agriculture productivity-training program in the Tahkar and Kunduz Provinces.
Both regions are rich in farmland yet suffer a low literacy rate, and SFL’s agronomist believes that providing agricultural training is one of the best ways to bring long-term economic benefit to the area. Through the trainings, the farmers learn about new techniques and systems, gain awareness of various farming theories, improve their current skills, and, in efforts to apply their newfound knowledge in practical ways, participate in brain storming solutions to various dilemmas.
In addition to these trainings, SFL provides trainings on three demonstration plots. Using land donated by community members, various crops are cultivated on these plots using different irrigation techniques. SFL’s agronomist uses the plots to teach community farmers the best techniques for growing; he also monitors the plots, providing advice on cultivating seeds and cuttings.
Helal owns one of the demonstration plots, along with fifteen jeribs of farmland. Though he has been farming for years in order to provide for his family of thirteen, he proves no matter how long one works in any field, there is always room for improvement!
“Every year we designate one jerib of our irrigated land for the furrow irrigation system as well as flood or basin irrigation system. This year, due to new methods we have learned, we were able to plant a second crop of vegetables for family consumption and fodder crops for animal husbandry. We now have double crops on one jerib of our land and the results have been very good, we are very happy.” – Helal