Senegal Rural Roads: A Food for Progress Project
The Problem: In the Casamance Region in southern Senegal, decades of conflict have left the neglected road network in a state of disrepair, while the heavy annual rain season leaves rural roads almost unpassable for extended periods of time. The poor condition of the roads, particularly feeder roads, has constrained access to agricultural inputs (seed, fertilizer, pesticides), fuel and construction materials, along with the delivery of agricultural extension and health services to rural communities.
The Solution: In order to reduce these limitations and expand the trade of agricultural products, our project engaged the local community in cash-for-work programs that focused on rebuilding feeder roads in the region. This involved: restoring farm-to-market feeder roads and constructing drainage systems.
The Impact: As a result of this project, 134 Kilometers of well-drained feeder roads were restored or constructed, travel times and vehicle operation costs decreased and volume of goods transported for sale increased. In addition, local communities reported increases in community cohesion, security and peacebuilding. In turn, the region now has a more efficient road infrastructure, and closer and more reliable points of sale between producers and transporters.
Funder: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Duration: 2012-2017