Restoring Resilliance in Rural Afghanistan
The Problem: Around 39% of Afghans live below the poverty line, with huge differences in living standards between those living in cities and those in rural areas. Further, around 33% of Afghans are food insecure and 3.4 million severely food insecure. Consequently, there is urgent need to tackle the country’s nutritional, educational and environmental problems, and support vulnerable people to improve their livelihoods.
The Solution: In collaboration with World Food Program, our team has been able to address the needs of rural Afghanistan through a number of diverse projects that include: delivering emergency food assistance and school meals, constructing and rehabilitating key infrastructure (including sustainable irrigation systems), improving employment opportunities through vocational training, and disaster risk reduction.
The Impact: In 2017 alone, SFL directed the rehabilitation of 260 kilometers of neglected and damaged irrigation canals, while constructing an additional 34 kilometers of new canal waterways; rehabilitated 255 kilometers of road; planted 28,600 trees; distributed 5,460 metric tons of food and provided 1,500 individuals vocational training.
Funder: World Food Program (WFP)
Duration: 2013-Present